Monday, April 12, 2010

Fandom Free Agency - #16 Indiana Pacers

Starting to get into the really tough decisions in this process. I look at every team I have remaining and see some redeemable quality that would make me want to be a fan of theirs. I couldn't say that for a lot of the earlier teams.

So now, as the playoffs loom closely it's time to really start putting the non-playoff teams under the microscope. Any team that's in the playoffs I will still have a few more weeks to evaluate and really see how I feel about the team in the playoffs. But for the teams that are still remaining and aren't eliminated, it's time to take a real close look. Those teams are:

New Orleans and Houston - Solid chances of surviving to the offseason
Minnesota - The original culprit, but they'll survive
Chicago - Interesting capabilities this offseason
Philadelphia - Surviving merely on 2k10 playing ability

And then there's Indiana. There are certainly some things I like about Indiana. Danny Granger is very solid and of course Brandon Rush will always have a certain value for me, but when I compare the Pacers to the other teams left on the list they just don't have the same appeal.

First off, as much as I love me some B Rush, I can't exactly look past what he did last Sunday. If I'm going to throw Matt Barnes under the bus then Brandon deserves some criticism as well for his 0 point output in a game where he played 19 minutes and his team scored 133.

Also, Brandon is dangerously close to earning a distinction that he doesn't really want. Brandon is about to become (according to John Hollinger's rankings) the worst player in NBA history to lead his team in minutes played. Now, that sounds really bad, but it's not really Brandon's fault that the other main players on his team have all been injured and missed significant time.

That's been a big problem for the Pacers, a ton of injuries. They're currently playing very good basketball to close out the season with a healthy roster so it could be said that they're unlucky. However, it could also be said that they are full of injuries because they continue to sign and draft high risk players.

T.J. Ford has spent of of his career on the injured list. Troy Murphy is injured just about every season. Roy Hibbert is going to miss some time every year and his knees will probably just give up and some point and even Rush has had injury problems in college and in the pros.

I want to feel sorry for the Pacers and give them the benefit of the doubt, but I also root for a MLB team in the Royals that is plagued by injuries mainly because of the people they sign and not just luck. At some point you create your own luck.

Intentionally left out of the discussion...

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